Nicolas SATTA :
Aged 34 and founder of Mer et Provence in 2011.
Having worked in this area for 10 years, I elected to create an estate agency that ties together the better qualities of my employers and supporters. My wish was to combine my entrepreneurial skills and talents to form an Estate Agency of substance.
My work requires that I work with both local and non-local people. I enjoy nothing more that to be part of the team that manages this partnership through to fruition, allowing the seller to move ahead in their lives and the new owner to integrate in to their new home.
My main interests are tennis and photography, both requiring precision and patience and providing me with some useful tools for my working life. These qualities are one part of the package that I like to offer to all Mer et Provence clients.
Daniel Jacquemot : 37 ans, négociateur confirmé chez Mer & Provence.
Formé à la double exigence de la haute gastronomie et du sport de haut niveau, je suis passionné, perfectionniste, proche des gens.
A chaque transaction, j’ai conscience de participer à un projet de vie très important. J’en ressens une vraie satisfaction.
Dans mon temps libre je pratique toujours le VTT qui était mon sport de prédilection, j’aime rouler dans les collines, profiter des paysages. C’est utile de bien connaître son terrain de jeu.